About Us

Many people often inquire about the origin of the name Eagle Storm in relation to my work. It took me a considerable amount of time, spanning a couple of years, to come up with this unique name. The inspiration behind it stems from two of my most cherished passions. During my time residing in the northern panhandle of Idaho, I developed a deep admiration for eagles. Additionally, the inclusion of the word "Storm" pays homage to my beloved canine companion, Stormy. She accompanied me during my stay in Idaho and has been a constant source of support throughout the various events that have unfolded in my life over the past few years, including my relocation across the country.

Delving into the combination of "eagle" and "storm," I realized that the eagles near my Idaho home would always exhibit a mesmerizing level of activity during storms, leaving me captivated by their behavior. I would watch from my living room window as sometimes 5 to 10 eagles would use the storm winds to soar and lift them higher. This became a cheesy, but relatable motivational idea to me: using life's storms to elevate and propel oneself towards greater heights in the future. It also led me to one of my favorite scriptures: "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." Isaiah 40:31. 

I finally took the leap and pursued my dream of starting a laser business after returning to Virginia. There's still much more to our story and journey so stay tuned for updates to this page. 

We appreciate your support,

Darby & Stormy